CMPT 167 Spring 2007 Homepage


Dr. Sean Ho
(604) 513-2121 x3209
5 Neufeld Science Centre

TA: Joel Hendrickson <joelhendrickson+CMPT167 at gmail>

Class location:
MW 13:10-14:00 Neufeld 21


General course information: objectives, prerequisites, text, policies, etc.


Schedule of lecture topics and assignments (subject to revision as the semester proceeds).

Lecture Notes

Slides from the lectures, in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).

Lab Assignments

The programming lab assignments (will be updated as the semester proceeds).

Eclipse Java Intro

Getting started with the Sun Eclipse integrated development environment for Java.

Lab Requirements

Policies on what is required for each programming lab.

Java Examples

The java/ subdirectory holds miscellaneous small examples from class.


Textbook Companion Website

Supplemental online resources for the textbook

Daily Devotionals

Every class starts with a short devotional from the Bible, to help keep everything in perspective!


Our one and only midterm, with solutions.

Final Exam

Our semester final exam, with solutions. (Link will be live after Tue 24Apr).