Instructor |
Dr. Sean Ho
(604) 513-2121 x3209, Neufeld 5
Office hours: MW 4-5pm, T 12-1pm, R 1-3pm
MWF 14:35-15:50 Neu21
TA: Ian Trick (sqwishybon at gmail)
Ian's hours: W 4-6pm, F 12-2pm
TA: Andrew Chell (andrew.chell at gmail)
Andrew's hours: R 6-10pm
Detailed outline of the semester, including all lab and homework assignments.
Online lecture notes: slides from the lectures in PDF format.
Additional lab and homework assignments not from the textbook.
Admin |
General course information: objectives, prerequisites, text, policies, etc.
A sample of what a completed formal write-up for a lab assignment should
look like.
Guidelines for your term paper on Computers and Society. I will be using
this point breakdown when marking your papers.
From time to time we may refer to our supplemental text:
"Modula-2: Abstractions for Data and Programming Structures",
by TWU's own Prof. Rick Sutcliffe.
It is available both here online as well as in the campus bookstore.
Python |
From the Python homepage you can download Python to run on your
own computer, read documentation of the language and all its standard libraries,
and get links to lots of other software that uses and builds upon Python.
We will be using Python 2.6.2.
Your first assignment is to get familiar with the IDLE programming
environment for Python that we have installed in the CSI lab.
We'll use this tutorial, written by Danny Yoo at Berkeley.
The small example programs shown and sketched up in class are put in this directory.
The author of our Python textbook, John Zelle, has additional resources online,
including electronic copies of all code examples in his textbook.
Exams |
The first midterm, with answers included.
The second midterm, with answers included.
The cumulative semester final exam, with answers included.
Course website from the last offering of CMPT140.
Every class starts with a short devotional from the Bible, to help keep
everything in perspective!