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General course information: objectives, prerequisites, text, policies, etc.
Lecture notes in PowerPoint, handouts, data files used in class,
and additional articles for reference.
Directory of HW assignments and associated datasets.
Outline handout for the big semester-long data analysis group project.
Some toy example datasets used in-class to demonstrate concepts. Most of these
are taken from the textbook and may be downloaded from the "Textbook Resources"
link below.
Data sets and information on what data sets are available for your data analysis project.
Information on getting approval for research on human subjects
(e.g., questionnaires) from the TWU Research Ethics Board. You should use
the form for
"Analysis of Existing Data", near the bottom of the page.
There is an excellent government Tri-Council
tutorial on ethics in research,
as well as a TWU document on
guidelines for REB forms.
The industry-standard software tool for statistical analysis we will be using
in this course, SPSS PASW Statistics.
I have more information on how you can purchase your
own copy of SPSS for use on your own computers, if you so desire.
Additional student resources provided by the textbook's author, Andy Field:
interactive multiple-choice quizzes, glossary, SPSS tutorials, and all
datasets referenced in the text.
Mini-library of relevant journal articles referenced in class.
(This is from last year's course.)
The new 6th edition of the APA Style Manual
a number of errors. The 2nd printing has corrected them; we have
copies of that in spiral-bound, but if you got the paperback, it's probably
the 1st-printing. The APA site has
the list of corrections, and also
updated sample papers.
Every class starts with a short devotional from the Bible, to help keep
everything in perspective!