CMPT140 Programming Lab Marking Scheme

Lab Write-Up

For each programming lab you must submit, in addition to your source code, a detailed and well-written lab write-up. The lab write-up forms part of the documentation of your program and is very important -- start on your write-up before you start on your code! It should be in clear English, complete sentences (except pseudocode), and formatted neatly in a document such as Word .doc, OpenOffice .odt, HTML, PDF, etc. It is your responsibility to ensure your TA is able to read your lab write-up.

See the template lab write-up for additional details. The write-up must include (in this order):

Marking Rubric

Problem Statement, restatement, and first refinement5
Pseudocode, algorithms, etc. (as needed)5
Data table and Sample I/O5
User documentation, error planning5
Docstring, general appearance, prettyprinting, etc.5
Internal documentation, comments, identifier names5
Programming style (modularity, modifiability, etc.)5
Correctness of outcome and thoroughness of testing10
Screenshots of actual runs (with input data as appropriate)5
TAs are free to adjust this rubric as needed; it is a loose guideline. If you have a specific question about your lab mark, first ask the TA, then you may ask the instructor. Alternate marking system for simplified writeup (Labs1-2 in CMPT 140):
Who are you?
Statement of problem
Discussion of strategy
Docstring with identifying header
Well-commented and well-formatted code
Screenshots of sample runs10
45 - 50Excellent. Everything complete, explanations and all planning evidence and documentation
clear AND IN PROPER ENGLISH, efficient and readable (prettyprinted) code.
35 - 44Good. Some things overlooked, but reasonable explanations.
27 - 34Just satisfactory. Some important omissions or errors in the submitted package.
< 27Unsatisfactory