Total: 20pts. Due: Fri 3Dec 09:00am, uploaded to myCourses
One of the advanced statistical procedures that professionals need to be
equipped with is meta-analysis, a quantitative strategy for reviewing
quantitative research on therapy. This assignment will ask you to apply
principles and concepts we've learned to this kind of analysis.
Hill & Lent, 2006
All questions are based on the article by
Hill and Lent (2006).
Please download and read this paper in depth.
Our lecture covers basic concepts and illustrates them in the section
of the article comparing training methods to no-training controls (p. 161);
this homework assignment continues the analysis in two other sections of
the paper.
APA Style (2pts)
Please format your answers as a complete APA-style paper.
Be sure to include a title page, running headers, etc.
This assignment will not require you to run statistical tests of your own,
but to discuss and critique the analysis by Hill & Lent.
Write up your answers in a clear and well-formatted document (e.g., Word).
You should upload just one file to myCourses: your write-up (e.g., *.doc).
#1: "Studies Directly Comparing Methods of Training" (6pts)
Read the section on "Studies Directly Comparing Methods of Training," pp. 161ff.
In this section, Hill & Lent drop the one study from their calculations
that shows a negative effect for the modeling condition. What was the effect of
dropping this study? State one reason why the decision to omit that study was
justified and one reason why this decision might be misleading given the
"atypical" effect size. Is their decision theoretically "persuasive"?
#2: "Studies of the Additive Effects of Training Components" (6pts)
Read the section on "Studies of the Additive Effects of Training Components," p. 162.
In this section, Hill & Lent drop one study from their estimation that was
an "apparent outlier". What was the effect of dropping this outlier? State one
reason why the decision to omit that study was justified and one reason why
this decision might be misleading. Is their decision theoretically
#3: Further Questions of Comparability (6pts)
State at least two other questions about the comparability of the studies that
are not addressed in these two sections (drawing on class discussion, or the
"moderating" variables discussion in the article). Discuss and clearly state
what possible impact you can envision of the factors you raise in your