CMPT 231 Fall 2012 Homepage


Dr. Sean Ho
Office hours: T 16:00-17:00 Neu5
Class location:
T 13:10-15:50 Neu37


General course information: objectives, prerequisites, text, policies, etc.


Schedule of lecture topics and assignments (subject to revision as the semester proceeds).

Lecture Notes

Slides from the lectures, in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).

HW Assignments

The homework assignments (will be updated as the semester proceeds).
Solutions will be linked from each assignment.


Textbook Site

Supplemental content for the MIT textbook, including selected solutions.

MIT OpenCourseWare

You may find useful the resources from the 6.006 course at MIT's OpenCourseWare, using the same textbook. Also see course 6.046j.

Getting started with Python.

Eclipse Java Intro

Getting started with the Eclipse development environment and Java.

Daily Devotionals

Every class starts with a short devotional from the Bible, to help keep everything in perspective!