CMPT 166 Spring 2011 Schedule

#DateReadingTopicHW/Lab Due
1T 11 Jan 1.1-1.2 Introduction: Java, Eclipse
2R 13 Jan 1.3-1.4, 5.4, ch3 Java basics: types, expressions, console I/O, String, if, while, for, switch
3T 18 Jan ch2, ch4 Defining classes (Java, C++, Python), Access modifiers, Packages Eclipse Intro (nothing to turn in)
4R 20 Jan ch5 OO design strategies, Standard libraries Lab1: Flow of Control
5T 25 Jan ch5 static, Scope, References, JUnit
(Korean students visiting)
6R 27 Jan ch6-7 Arrays, Inheritance
(Korean students visiting)
7T 1 Feb ch7-8 Polymorphism, Abstract Classes, and Interfaces Lab2: Classes
8R 3 Feb ch9-10 Exceptions and File I/O
(shorter class ending at 12:30)
9T 8 Feb 17.1-17.2, ch13 Introduction to Swing, Event Handlers
10R 10 Feb 17.3-17.5 Swing Widgets and Layout Managers Lab3: Inheritance
11T 15 Feb Java2D tut and guide Drawing and Java2D
12R 17 Feb TogetherSoft tut, SparxSystems tut UML: Class Diagrams and Use-Case Diagrams HW3
T 22 Feb (Independent Study Week; no class)
R 24 Feb (Independent Study Week; no class)
13T 1 Mar -.- A Design Exercise: Student Enrolment DB Lab4: CRUD Database
14R 3 Mar -.- Review lectures 1-13
15T 8 Mar Midterm Exam
16R 10 Mar 19.2 TCP/IP Networking and Sockets
M 14 Mar Pi Day Party! (hosted by Math Sci. student club, 5:15pm Neu13)
17T 15 Mar 19.1 Multithreading and Swing
18R 17 Mar Android dev site SwingWorker; Intro to Android
19T 22 Mar Activities and UI Layout Android Activity Lifecycle Lab5: Swing
20R 24 Mar -.- Android Resources, XML layout, Google App Inventor HW4
21T 29 Mar 19.3-19.5 Component Frameworks, ODBC, and JSP/Servlets
22R 31 Mar Vince Huston, JavaCamp UML Sequence Diagrams and Creational Design Patterns
23T 5 Apr -.- Behavioural and Structural Design Patterns
24R 7 Apr -.- Semester Review HW5
25T 12 Apr Project Presentations! (in lab Neu20) Lab6: Android / TCP-IP
W 27 Apr Final Exam: 9-11am