# | Date | Topic | Reading | Lab Due |
1 | Wed 9 Jan |
Introduction | 1.1 |
2 | Fri 11 Jan |
A first Java program | 1.1 |
3 | Mon 14Jan |
Java conventions; Strings; if statements | 1.2-3.2 |
4 | Wed 16Jan |
Access Control in OO-M2 vs. C++ vs. Java | 4.2, 5.4 |
Lab0: HelloWorld
5 | Fri 18Jan |
Repetition (loops); Classes | 3.2-3.4, 4.1 |
6 | Mon 21Jan |
Object-oriented design strategies | |
7 | Wed 23Jan |
Applets and Arrays | ch6 |
Lab 1: selection |
8 | Fri 25Jan |
The 'static' keyword | 5.1 |
9 | Mon 28Jan |
Inheritance | ch7 |
10 | Wed 30Jan |
Polymorphism; copy constructors; Quiz1 | 5.2-5.3, ch8 |
Lab 2: p.160 #(2 / 5 / 8) |
11 | Fri 1Feb |
Access modifiers; interfaces | -.- |
12 | Mon 4Feb |
Swing | ch17-18 |
13 | Wed 6Feb |
Swing Widgets | -.- |
Lab 3: p.328 #(4 / 6 / 7) |
14 | Fri 8Feb |
Swing Layout Managers; Quiz2 | 17.3 |
15 | Mon 11Feb |
Window Listeners | 18.1 |
16 | Wed 13Feb |
Basic Swing Graphics | ch18 |
17 | Fri 15Feb |
Java2D Graphics API |
Java2D tutorial |
18 | Mon 18Feb |
File I/O; Quiz3 | 10.1-10.3 |
19 | Wed 20Feb |
File I/O: Serialization | 10.4-10.5 |
Lab 4: p.999 #(1 / 2 / 3) |
20 | Fri 22Feb |
File I/O: Byte-based streams | --.- |
| Mon 25Feb |
(Spring reading break) |
| Wed 27Feb |
(Spring reading break) |
| Fri 29Feb |
(Spring reading break) |
21 | Mon 3Mar |
Towers of Hanoi example, Fractal L-systems | ch11 |
22 | Wed 5Mar |
Quiz 4 |
23 | Fri 7Mar |
Component Architecture |
19.3 | |
24 | Mon 10Mar |
Review for midterm
25 | Wed 12Mar |
Midterm exam |
26 | Fri 14Mar |
TCP/IP Networking: socket I/O | 19.2 |
27 | Mon 17Mar |
TCP/IP Networking: UDP streams | 19.2 |
28 | Wed 19Mar |
Multithreading | 19.1 |
Lab 5: Swing II |
| Fri 21Mar |
(Good Friday holiday) |
| Mon 24Mar |
(Easter Monday holiday) |
29 | Wed 26Mar |
Synchronization, Quiz 5 |
--.- | |
30 | Fri 28Mar |
Data sharing: locks, producer-consumer |
--.- | |
31 | Mon 31Mar |
Generics and ArrayList | ch14 |
32 | Wed 2Apr |
UML diagrams, class diagram; Quiz 6 | ch12 |
33 | Fri 4Apr |
Design patterns | ch12 |
34 | Mon 7Apr |
Collections and iterators | ch16 |
35 | Wed 9Apr |
Review, Quiz 7 | --.- |
Lab 6: TCP Client-server |
36 | Fri 11Apr |
(Class cancelled; work on your lab!)
37 | Mon 14Apr |
Lab6 presentations; Course review
(meet in Neu12 instructional lab) |
| Tue 15Apr |
Last day to do online course evaluations: check your myTWU email for the link and password.
More details here.
Enter for a chance to win a $100 bookstore gift certificate!
| Wed 23Apr |
Final Exam (2-4pm) |