CMPT 231 Fall 2013 Schedule

All readings are from the textbook, CLRS3.
There are 12 lectures, 6 homework sets, and 3 midterm exams. The general idea is that most lectures cover 1 chapter of the textbook; most homeworks cover two lectures, and each midterm exam covers approximately two homeworks (which I hope to get back to you before each exam so you can have the feedback for studying).
#DateReadingTopicHW/Exam Due
1T 10 Sep ch1-3 Algorithmic complexity, divide-and-conquer
2T 17 Sep ch4 class cancelled due to Sean's illness
3T 24 Sep ch4,6 Math review, logic, induction, proofs;
Sorting: Binary Max-Heaps and Heapsort
R 26 Sep HW1: ch2-3
4T 1 Oct ch7 Priority Queue and Quicksort Quiz1: ch1-3
5T 8 Oct ch8, 11 (skip 11.5) Linear-time sorting: radix sort, bucket sort
Hash tables: chaining, open addressing
R 10 Oct HW2: ch4,6
6T 15 Oct ch10 (skip 10.3), ch12 (skip 12.4) Data structures: linked-lists, stacks/queues, binary search trees
7T 22 Oct ch15 (skip 15.4) Dynamic Programming
R 24 Oct HW3: ch7,8,11
8T 29 Oct ch16 (skip 16.4-5) Greedy Algorithms and Huffman coding Quiz2: ch4,6-8,11
9T 5 Nov ch22 Graph algorithms: breadth-first, depth-first
R 7 Nov HW4: ch10,12,15
T 12 Nov (Remembrance Day, no class)
10T 19 Nov ch23, 24 (skip 24.4) Minimum spanning trees (Kruskal, Prim);
Single-source shortest path (Bellman-Ford, Dijkstra)
F 22 Nov HW5: ch15,16
11T 26 Nov -- Quiz 3 Quiz3: ch10,12,15,16
12T 3 Dec ch25 All-pairs shortest paths (Floyd-Warshall, Johnson)
Semester Review
R 5 Dec HW6: ch22,23,24
R 12 Dec Final Exam: 14:00-17:00 Neu 20 (solutions included)